How loud is too loud to play London Calling?
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Bookmarks for December 27th through January 1st
These are my pinboard links for December 27th through January 1st:
- Missing Pieces: The Activity Stream Aggregator – Framing of a conceptual model for enterprise activity streams
- Muslim Christmas – Having just finished Samarov's "Hack" and thia, there is a definite richness in taxi literature…
- prostheticknowledge: “Facebook Is The New Suburbia” by Hugh… – Another artifact in the own your online thinking.
- The rise of poetronica – Not really new wxcept cor the electronica / dubatep base. refs the excellent Jamie xx and Gil ScottmHeron release of last year, and a few more names to check out.
- The New Inquiry – Publication focused on literature and social politics. Essays and criticism. Think of post-grad-NYRB.
From a piece in the Guardian, ostensibly a review of the new Nokia Lumia 800 Windows phone…
In my time working as as software consultant, I’ve been to many clients where cells of users act in resistance to new software rollout. (Yes, some software resisted against has been mine.) We know this happens because the software doesn’t build trust with the users. Click this button when filling out a quote and the quote is lost, or print a report and the paper size is set wrong so the paper won’t emerge without manual intervention. Or how about management insisting on a way of working that doesn’t fit with reality on the factory floor? There are thousands of examples of software projects that failed because they did not win the user’s trust.
Words for the coming year, indeed.
Bookmarks for December 27th from 10:01 to 12:35
These are my pinboard links for December 27th from 10:01 to 12:35:
- How I got here in the end – my non-writing careers – Delightful history of technologic and self-knowledge development.
- Thinking big in space – Brief piece about the Paul Allen Stratolaunch device.
Summary – big.
- I was saved by music – Music blog from 2008/2009 with downloads of various types.
- songsfortheday | posting a song each day you should hear. – One Song a Day (or so). Maybe based in Chicago?
- Shifting Mind » Postalicious – Autoposting tool for WordPress (from 2007!!) which supports, among other tools, pinboard.
links for 2010-12-11
Swedish documentary on the background of Wikileaks. Not entirely dispassive, and ends with the classic "remains to be seen" ending, but a useful history.
links for 2010-12-05
Some recent music book recommendations. H/T Ksthy Fennesy…
Posits that Skype is trying to position itself as a Lync competitor. Also, news to me that David Gurle had moved to Skype, but it does explain some things.
links for 2010-11-21
Tips from Microsoft on virtualizing MS Lync 2010
links for 2010-10-19
Delightful video of John Cage performing on television. Showing his disarming and gentle nature, playful and engaged.