Month: March 2012

Bookmarks for March 10th through March 13th

These are my pinboard links for March 10th through March 13th:

Bookmarks for March 3rd through March 4th

These are my pinboard links for March 3rd through March 4th:

Bookmarks for February 21st through March 3rd

These are my pinboard links for February 21st through March 3rd:

To say that one had “seen the light” is a poor description of the mental rapture which only the convert knows…. The new light seems to poor in from all directions across the skull; the whole universe falls into pattern like the stray pieces of a jigsaw puzzle assembled by magic at one stroke. There is now an answer to everyone question, doubts and conflicts are a matter of the tortured past…. Nothing henceforth can disturb the convert’s inner peace and serenity — except the occasional fear of losing faith again, and losing thereby what alone makes life worth living. And falling back into the outer darkness.

Arthur Koestler describing the conversion experience to Communism, but possibly broadly applicable to many conversion experience and ideation large and small.